Smashwords does not earn a commission, and cannot warrant the quality of their work. If you do not have the technical or artistic ability, or the time, to create a professional-looking image, see “Mark’s List” of fellow Smashwords authors you can hire to create ebook covers for prices ranging from $40 to $100 (a deal!). Covers that contain photographs are often too large when saved in PNG and these will need to be saved in JPEG (JPG) format (make sure that you use a high-quality setting so that the text doesn’t come out fuzzy). Covers that have mostly text and sharp lines are best saved in PNG format.
Instead, scroll down the table and download from the DOTpdn links) and Editor (sorry, we cannot answer support questions about how to use these programs).

Other free programs are (avoid clicking on the confusing advertisements masquerading as download buttons. Several Smashwords authors use and recommend Gimp, which is a free but full-featured graphics program (the covers for the Smashwords Style Guide and Smashwords Book Marketing Guide were both created in Gimp). If you’re creating your own cover image, you will use a graphics program. When Smashwords or our retail partners receive your cover, it will often be converted to multiple smaller sizes, so don’t make your title text or author name too small, otherwise it’ll be unreadable when it’s shrunk down to thumbnail size. Aim to make the height approximately 30-60% greater than the width and the book should look good. To view the pixel dimensions, right mouse click on the image and click properties. A recommended size is approximately 1,600 pixels wide by 2,400 pixels tall (the proportions of most paperback books in the USA, which have height 1.5 times greater than their width). They should be vertical rectangle-shaped (the height is greater than the width), not squares, and must be a minimum width of 1,400 pixels. Cover images must not contain web addresses on the front cover (some retailers will reject them for this reason) or promises of products not included in the book (such as, “Comes with a free CD!”). It must be two-dimensional, not 3D or pseudo-3D. The cover should show the front of your book only, not the back cover you use for print. png), not as PDFs for Word documents, and must include the book title and the author name. Book covers must be uploaded as image files (files that end with. The new requirements, along with visual examples, can be found by clicking here to the Smashwords Blog. In mid-2012, Smashwords increased the dimensional requirements of ebook covers to satisfy the recommendations of Apple and Barnes & Noble. A template will not be generated if the page count exceeds the maximum limits. Be sure to refer to the chart on the right side to see the maximum number of pages for each book size. What are the requirements for my cover image, and how do I create one? Use the form below to enter the book size and page count to get the perfect bound cover template.